Book Reviews

                 Perfect Chemistry

Author: Simone Elkeles
Publisher and year it was made: Walker Childrens (December 23, 2008)
Genre: young adult fiction
Chapters: 57
Pages per chapter:  10-20
Number of characters: 15 only 3 main characters
Plot:  The book perfect chemistry is about a 17 year old boy Alex who is on the wrong side of the city, who has to join a gang to support his mom and family. Brittany the rich girl who seems to have it all ends up being partnered with Alex in chemistry class that puts them on a path together they never say coming, perfect chemistry is a love book that shows two kids that fell in love come out together for the better in their lives.
Would I recommend this book to anyone? Yes I would especially to young adults or teens.
Why I recommend this book? This book brings meaning and thought to now a day society and shows what love is for teens.
What did I learn from this book? Well the book teaches me that no matter what situation you are in there’s always a brighter side. 

Ahmed Abu ayisheh
English writing

By Elizabeth Chaides
The Writers Block
Book Review:
“Guts” by Gary Paulsen
Laurel-Leaf, Random House Inc., 2001
            Paulsen’s book “Guts” is a small collaboration (about 150 pages long, 6 chapters) of the events and experiences that propelled him to write Hatchet and his Brian books series. The stories range mostly from hunting mishaps and near death instances as a pilot and bystander. These descriptions of events are very raw and blunt, short, without extensive details. The stories are still however, shocking and leave the reader wondering how a single person could be exposed to so much and still rise back up alive and with little permanent damage. I have never read any of the author’s other books, but based on his claims and the slight hints as to what is written in some of his stories; I am interested in reading another one of his books, for curiosity’s sake. I would not recommend this book to people who love a good, detailed elaboration of non-fictitious experiences of an author, nor would I recommend this book to someone much more interested in novel-like genres (it would be a bore). This book is a simple, quick read that one can use to simply pass the time, like a magazine, but overall it is not a very enthralling book.  

Aurelio Hernandez
Mrs. Gallagher

English Writing
Title of book:  The Key
Author: Marianne Curlry
Publisher and Year Published; April 2011
Have you ever read other books written y this author? No
Genre: Fiction
 Chapters: 40
Pages per Chapter Average: 10
Number of Characters: one main character and one side character.
Plot: Mia, is trapped away from her memories and her brother has to help her escape the nightmare asylum and retrieve all her memories
Climax:  Receives the key. But is disguised as an arrow
One piece of information you learned from reading the book:  Memories are important and don’t let anything keep that from you
Would you recommend this book to a friend: Yes.
Why or Why not: Deep hidden message thoroughly thought out plots.

J.R. Gomez
English Writing
Title of book: The Shifter
Author: Janice Hardy
Publisher and Year Published: 2009; HarperCollins Publisher
Have you ever read any other books written by this author? No
Genre: Fiction
 Chapters: 25
Pages per Chapter Average: 30
Number of Characters: 4
Plot: Nya is an orphan that can heal people with a touch, but things go wrong when she tells someone
Climax: When she released her secret about her magic touch
 One piece of information you learned from reading the book: Don’t trust anybody
 Would you recommend this book to a friend: Yes
Why or Why not: It’s a good book with a lot of twists and turns with a well executed story line.

Ty Curry

Title: Moneyball
Author: Michael Lewis
Publisher and year: W.W. Norton 2003
Never read any other books by this Author
Genre: Non-Fiction
Chapters: 12
Pages per Chapters: 34
Characters: 12
Plot: A general manager comes up with a revolutionary way to run a baseball team, using “Sabermetrics”.
Climax: When the team is about to win the 20th straight game

Information I learned: That there is always a more efficient way to do things

I would recommend this book to a friend
Why: Because it is an interesting story about someone who finds a more efficient way to run a team and is met with a lot of resistance from traditional baseball people.
Muhammed Khan
Title: The Dead
Author: Charlie Higson
Publisher and year Published: Puffin, 2010
Yes, I have read books by this author before.
Genre: Fiction
Chapters: 63
Pages per chapter: 7.5
Plot: Everyone over the age of 16 turns into a “zombie.”  Jack and Ed must find their way to safety when this happens. They start off at their school and make their way to the tower of London while encountering many hardships along the way.
Climax: Jack dies and Ed burns Jack’s body along with his house.
One piece of info I learned reading this book: Trust your friends
I would recommend this book to a friend because it is exciting and my friends love exciting stuff.


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